We welcome 2025 with our largest auction to date, 102 items/lots! There are items from a variety of categories, and condition varies across the spectrum from new-in-box to definitely needing repair, though discerning buyers will appreciate the value in all.
Auction round begins Wednesday, January 22, 2025, ending Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
Vehicles include a Freightliner sleeper plus an International day cab semi-truck tractors, an Ottawa/Beck fire engine pumper truck, a Ford flatbed utility truck and a Chevy cargo van. There is also a self-propelled Prune Rite articulated pruning tower, otherwise known as an orchard man lift.
Wood, metal and auto shop equipment includes table and band saws, brakes, shears, notchers, grinders, shapers, lathes, jointers, drill presses, a large side-opening sandblast cabinet, and an oil tank with transfer pump. Manufacturers include Rockwell, Delta, Pexto, Whitney, Di-Acro, Yates American, Walker-Turner, Baldor, Craftool, Ammco, and L. Power Co.
Commercial kitchen items include three sizes of Hobart mixers along with several attachments, cook/hold ovens, warmers, coolers, transport carts & racks, prep tables, hotel pans, sheet pans, bus tubs, Cambros and insulated bags, plus numerous smallware items.
Floor care equipment includes carpet extractors, buffers, side-to-sides, wet vacs, and auto scrubbers. Some are in decent shape while others would only be for parts.
Miscellaneous items include a nice Paragon pottery kiln, a Stryker ambulance cot, a set of backboard/spineboard stretchers, wheelchair, treatment table, fitness equipment, new acoustical ceiling tiles, new portable handwash stations, new track & field hurdles, new mobile power cube towers, new electrical junction boxes, sewing machines with accessories, audio & video equipment, a ping pong table, a steel storage locker, and large lot of mosaic tile.
Take a look at this interesting mix of items at our ROKn Auctions eBay Store and join the bidding action now… https://www.ebay.com/str/roknauctions