Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hanford Surplus Auction Begins Oct 5

Starting today, Oct. 5, 2017, at auction:
3 running, well maintained Utility Pickup Trucks 
Davis Trencher Tractor
Cleaning & Maintenance Equipment
Baumfolder Paper Folding Machine
Classroom & Office furniture
and more miscellaneous stuff
All items are located in Hanford, CA.  
Auction ends Oct 12.  Inspections are Oct. 11 – see listings for details.  
Visit our auction house/store at:

Buses, Trucks, Food Service Equipment Surplus Auction

A new Auction Round starts today! 

Bidding starts Thursday August 31, and runs for 7 days!  It’s a good round with a good selection of items.

All of these items are in Atwater or Merced.   We have 10 Crown buses to move out of California – they are not CARB compliant so they get to go to a new home out of state.  They are 1985 to 1990 models and are in good running condition.  Some of these buses are very low mileage!  

Also on the auction block are 6 pickup trucks, 1991 to 2000 models, and a cargo van.  We also have some grounds equipment, and a nice selection of Food Service Equipment.  

The Food Service items include mixers, a hot food service station, buffalo chopper, slicers, and much more.  come take a look at our store on OLA.COM:  


Surplus Cisco Switches Auction Underway

Auction starts today:  One Lot of 109 Cisco Switches, series 3750, assorted models, working condition.

Many are  still under Cisco transferable warranty.

Palletized & shrink wrapped on 3 pallets.

Take a look at

Coming August 31:  Lots of stuff!  10 Crown School Buses, 4 pickup trucks, Food Service Equipment, Yamaha Piano, more!

Surplus Auctions Coming Up: Crown Buses, Food Service, Pickups, More!

We have new school surplus auctions coming soon:
Atwater, CA:
10 Running Crown buses 1985 thru 1988, non-CARB compliant, but fine for use outside CA

Crown buses to be auctioned

Food Service Items, Hobart Mixer & Choppers, Slicers, Food Warmers, Tabletop Freezers
3 Pick up trucks and a mini van
Merced, CA:
4 pick up trucks, running condition
GMC, Dodge, & 2 Fords
Yamaha P22 Oak Upright Piano
Sanger, CA
100+ Cisco Switches, assorted 3750 series, All working condition. Many with Cisco Warranty

Big Changes to our Auction Manager Site – please read

Attention!!! / has Upgraded its site.

During your first visit to the New OLA Site you will need to Update Your Password. OLA will provide you with information on how to do that.  Please get this reset before you try to bid.

Our new store address is:

Also – is now  Old links need to be updated – they will not work.

If you have any troubles you can email: [email protected] or call 800.900.2828 and leave a detailed message and an OLA Support Staff will assist you.

Tranquility Surplus Auction Ends May 4

These Items are Located in Tranquility, CA
5 Vintage Farmall Tractors
2 old Forklifts: a Hyster & a Baker
1 Shelby 25’ Livestock Trailer
1 Yamaha 100 ATV
1 Hobart D 300T Mixer w/ accessories
4 Lots of 12’ Cafeteria Tables
Assorted lots of Tables & Chairs
Bidding Begins Thursday April 27 and Ends Thursday May 4