Several great commercial kitchen items are available this round from True Mfg including 3-door fridge, 3-door freezer and a single-side mobile milk cooler, plus we also have a Traulsen 2-door freezer. Cooking items include convection and combination ovens and warmers from Montague, Groen, Wittco and Rational AG, plus a huge 60-gallon Groen steam kettle and a Hobart vertical cutter/mixer.
Auction round begins Wednesday, July 19, 2023, ending Wednesday, July 26, 2023.
Automotive testing, diagnostic & repair equipment from Snap-on includes a computer wheel balancer, a tire changer, and two A/C recover/recycle/recharge systems. There’s also a Coats heavy duty truck tire machine, a set of 4 Gray truck lifts, an AMMCO brake lathe and a pair of SUN charging system testers, plus a miscellaneous lot containing a battery charger, emissions tester, wheel balancer and a pair of tool sets.
Vehicles include a Ford Crown Victoria police car, a CNG Ford Transit Connect mini-cargo van, a GEM car and a pair of golf carts.
Random items include a large wrestling mat in good condition, a floor drill press, a Lincoln welder, an HP printer, a pallet of Flexispot sit/stand desk converters, several flip & stow training tables along with 31 folding cafeteria tables. Child items include a commercial 4-seat stroller along with a rocking seesaw.
Check out these great bargains and join the bidding action at our eBay store,

Fold & Stow cafeteria tables

Hobart tilting Vertical Chopper/Mixer

Coats heavy-duty truck tire machine

Ford Transit Connect mini cargo van